Directed by Jin Hyuk, this drama is inspired by the story of a mermaid that is inside of an anthology of stories known as "Eou Yadam" of Joseon Yu Mong In. This drama marks the last role of superstar Lee Min Ho before entering his mandatory two-year military service, as well as Jun Ji Hyun's first role after giving birth to his baby. The series has locations in Girona, Barcelona and La Coruña.
- Casa de la Vila de Sitges (Episode 1)
Casa de la Vila de Sitges is a 19th-century building that houses the Inventory of Architectural Heritage of Catalonia. It is located in the town of Sitges that sits about 35 kilometres southwest of Barcelona.
Plaça de l’Ajustement,11, 08870 Sitges, Barcelona, Spain
Geolocation: 41.235096, 1.811841
Plaça de l’Ajustement,11, 08870 Sitges, Barcelona, Spain
Geolocation: 41.235096, 1.811841
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- Piscina Es Cau de Begur (Episode 1)
Piscina Es Cau de Begur is a natural swimming pool that is situated close to Cap Rubi in the city of Begur in Spain’s Girona Province. Albeit being natural, it is not open to the public. Its use is reserved for residents of the “Apartamentos “Es Cau”” that sit rich next to it.
Carrer Platja Fonda, 36, 17255 Begur, Girona, Spain
Geolocation: 41.939944, 3.217595
Carrer Platja Fonda, 36, 17255 Begur, Girona, Spain
Geolocation: 41.939944, 3.217595
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- Crosswalk Galerías de La Coruña (Episode 1)
Av. Marina, La Coruña, Spain
Geolocation: 43.370132, -8.395589
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- Plaza de María Pita (Episode 1)
The scenes take place in Atlántico Bar is a restaurant is situated right on the Plaza de María Pita of the city A Corunna [A Coruña], Spain. The Palacio municipal [The Municipal Palace] of La Coruña is seen in the background.
Plaza de María Pita 25, 15001 A Coruña, Spain
Geolocation: 43.371261, -8.396584
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Lighthouse Tower of Hercules [Torre de Hércules], built in the 2nd century and renovated in 1791, is the oldest ancient Roman lighthouse still in use and its the second tallest lighthouse in Spain. Formerly also known under ‘Lighthouse of Alexandria’ [Farum Brigantium], the actual legend attached to this lighthouse is that Hercules fought here with the giant Geryon for three days and nights. He won, buried Geryon here and people build this lighthouse out of the cliff out of gratitude. The lighthouse is a National Monument of Spain was designated UNESCO World Heritage Site on June 27, 2009. It is located close to the centre of the town.
Avenida Navarra, 15002 Coruña, Spain
Geolocation: 43.385919, -8.406480
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I hope this information helps you and make you visit these amazing spots located in Spain in which 'Memories of Alhambra' was recorded. See you on our next post!
Madrid x Korea
Madrid x Korea
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